Thank you so much for partnering financially with San Juan Bible Camp, to provide opportunities for youth and adults to meet and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and to stengthen their faith and relationship with Him.
Our Dreams For Camp
These are items that can benefit the ministry of San Juan Bible Camp but are not affordable at this time. If you are interested in donating any of these items, please contact the camp office at 970-533-7622.
Camper scholarship fund
General Fund
Program Items
Flat Screen TV -- Provided!
Playground area -- Complete!
Sand Volleyball Court -- Complete!
Basketball Court Improvement
Hay Wagon -- Frame purchased, Wood Deck needed
Gazebo at archery range -- Provided!
Office addition
Staff house roof
Director house flooring -- Provided!
Stain for camp buildings
Maintenance Shed
Rake for Tractor
Lodge remodel