Thank you so much for partnering financially with San Juan Bible Camp, to provide opportunities for youth and adults to meet and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and to stengthen their faith and relationship with Him. SJBC is a Licensed 501C3 and will provide tax deductions for all donations.
Camp partners with Subsplash to provide an easy to use payment portal for donations. Here is the Link: https://subsplash.com/u/-WJFNMH/give
Our Dreams For Camp
These are items that can benefit the ministry of San Juan Bible Camp but are not affordable at this time. If you are interested in donating any of these items, please contact the camp office at 970-533-7622.
Camper scholarship fund- To provide assistance to campers who would like to come to camp!
General Fund
Program Items
Playground area -- Complete!
Sand Volleyball Court -- More Sand is needed
Picnic Tables- 125.00$ Builds a new table. We are looking for 5 more this year.
Stain for camp buildings- Completed Will be on a 3 year rotation
Maintenance Building- Working to break ground in Fall 2025
Multi Use Facility- Permanent, year round building. Working to break ground in 2025